Previewing and testing the API through clients
Stingray's Karaoke API is built using a RESTful architecture and follows the OpenAPI standards. This allows multiple ways of previewing and testing the service.
Prerequisite : OpenAPI Spec
You can download the OpenAPI spec in the API documentation page or through the Karaoke API's Swagger UI.
Generating request collection with an API platform
IE: Postman collection
With the OpenAPI Spec, you can generate the Postman collection of the API by importing the downloaded OpenAPI spec file.
IE: Insomnia
Same as a postman collection, you can import the OpenAPI spec and generate the collection of requests on Insomnia.
Generating a client SDK through Swagger Editor
You can import the OpenAPI spec file on Swagger Editor and generate a client in the programming language you want.
Generating a Client SDK with OpenAPI
It is also possible to generate a client library for different programming language with OpenAPI generator.